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Guangzhou Lihao Decoration Materials Co., Ltd

Tel: 13922259777

Service hotline: 020-37410969

E-MAIL: gzsc168@163.com

Add: No.7 Longdong Road, High-tech Industrial Park, Conghua Economic Development Zone, Guangzhou

Website: www.gzlihao.cn

Lihao 583

Lihao 583

  • Classification:Li hao
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2024-07-31 11:33:37
  • Product overview

Product Characteristics:

LIHAO AQUARIUM GLASS ADHESIVESingle component, acetate typeroom temperature curing,higkstrenath sealant. Has excellentbonding extensibility, transparencywhich is very suitable for aquariumsaoldfish tank bonding.

Main uses:

Suitable for the assembly osealing of medium and largeaquariums, goldfish tanks,largeglass panels, light roofs, doorsand windows, advertising materialsdisplay cabinets in shops, ancother construction and industriaadhesive sealing.


Ensure surfaces are clean anddry and free from grease or oilCut the tip off the cartridgeabove the thread.

Cut the tio off the nozzle to thedesired bead size and screwthe nozzle onto the cartridge.

Apply silicone with a caulkinggun to the surface in a steadvflow at a 45°angle.

Use a flat. wet tool dipped in amild detergent to smoothinconsistencies before skinformation occurs.

Silicone will be fully cured after24 hours.


Store in a cool, dry place below30°C.


Silicone is not paintable.


It is advisable to wear alovesSilicone contains chemicalswhich can irritate the skin andeyes.lf contact occurs.rinsethoroughly with warm water andseek medical attention.

Keep out of reach of children.

Ensure good ventilation if usedindoors.

As this product is used outsideour control.we cannot acceptliability for any loss or damage whatsoever.

Lihao 583

Lihao 583

Lihao 583

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