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Guangzhou Lihao Decoration Materials Co., Ltd

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Website: www.gzlihao.cn

Lihao 599

Lihao 599

  • Classification:Li hao
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2024-07-31 13:43:08
  • Product overview


Oxime system. For porous andnon-porous surfaces.


LIHAO NEUTRAL CURESlLICONE advancedformulation has strongadhesion to most surfaces suchas,PVC,qlazed tiles,ceramics.coated surfaces.wood andmost plastics,ltis 100% oximesilicone based, making it highlyflexible and is ideal for iointapplications where movementoccurs. lt has a low odour.making it ideal for use inconfined areas,The formula-tion is non-corrosive to metalsand qlass and is suitable foralkaline surfaces such asconcrete.cement. brick andplaster, making it suitable forinterior and exterior applicationssuch as construction,expansionioints, roofing,cladding.ductingqutters, plumbing, etc.


Ensure surfaces are clean anddry and free from grease or oil.

Cut the tip off the cartridge,above the thread.

Cut the tip off the nozzle to thedesired bead size and screwthe nozzle onto the cartridge.

Apply silicone with a caulkinggun to the surface in a steadyflow at a 45 angle.

Use a flat, wet tool dipped in amild detergent to smoothinconsistencies before skinformation occurs.

Silicone will be fully cured after24 hours.


Store in a cool, dry place below30'C.


lt is advisable to wear qlovesSilicone contains chemicalswhich can irritate the skin andeyes.lf contact occurs,rinsethoroughly with warm water.

Keep out of reach of children.

As this product is used outsideour control. we cannot acceptliability for any loss or damage whatsoever.

Lihao 599

Lihao 599

Lihao 599

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